Perşembe, Eylül 28, 2006

Microsoft Excel Kullanarak İktisat Öğrenmek/Öğretmek İçin

Microsoft Excel yardımıyla iktisat öğrenmek/öğretmek için üç yararlı kitap:

Duke, Michael I. , Katherine Smith, L. Murphy Smith & Lawrence C. Smith (2003):
Microsoft Excel for Macroeconomics. Prentice Hall.

Duke, Michael I. , Katherine Smith, L. Murphy Smith & Lawrence C. Smith (2003): Microsoft Excel for Microeconomics. Prentice Hall.

Soper, Jean (2004): Mathematics for Economics and Business: An Interactive Introduction. Blackwell Publishing, 2 edition; including an interactive CD-ROM in the back of the book which includes the award-winning MathEcon software, Excel files, Powerpoint slides, all definitions and 'remember' boxes, and additional practice questions.